Monday, October 27, 2014

How to out act Doctor Who

How to out act Doctor Who, actually it's easy if your Abigail Eames 9 (Maebh in the episode in the forest of the night) She did a great job of out acting Peter Capaldi (or the sneering man as I now call him)  But to be honest it's not saying much as most of the trees managed to out act him.
But Abigail did a good job and I suspect she will have a long acting carreer in front of her.

Seriously whats gone wrong with Doctor Who?  What happened to the Doctor?, the old Doctors would never ask a lost little girl if she had an appointment, or close the Tardis door in their face, they would be there to help someone in trouble, especially a lost little girl. This Doctors too silly.

The new Doctor Who really is terrible, I don't know if it's the scripts or just that Peter can't act, he seems to have two faces, the sneer, or the where the bloody hell am I look.  Sadly neither are convincing!

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