Friday, October 24, 2014

Horns 2014

IMDb "In the aftermath of his girlfriend's mysterious death, a young man awakens to strange horns sprouting from his temples."

A strange film, part horror, part thriller and part comedy, and yet somewhat surprisingly it manages to do all three without clashing or falling apart..
The story revolves around Ig Perrish (Daniel Radcliffe) and his girlfriend Merrin Williams (Juno Temple) who is found murdered.  After the murder Ig spouts horns from his head, and strange things start happening around him  Did Ig murder Merrin while drunk or was it someone else?  The story has some twists and turns and enough comedic moments to lighten things.
The story is told part in flashback, and gives Daniel a chance to show off his acting skills.
I found the film slightly slow at the start, but it builds nicely to a good ending, the special effects are excellent.

Waynes rating 8/10  a nice change from the normal horror/thriller well worth a watch.

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