Friday, December 27, 2024

UK Christmas tv... wasn't it awful.


 Well it's the 27th Dec now and I've spent most of the last two days home, and some of it watching the Christmas telly.  Oh dear God!

 For a start most of it was old shows that we've seen a million times before.  Then I struggled to find ANYTHING to watch a lot of the time and watched Youtube.

 The Christmas Dr Who episode, was one of the worst stories I've seen, the Christmas star and Joy to the world were so obvious a plot, my cat got it (and I dont have a cat) The acting wasnt bad, but it was slow boring and felt cheap.  I get the feeling Russle T Davis has given up writing good scripts.

 Either way Dr Who needs to stop, its a sad ,shadow of the original series.  Time to rest it and take a good hard look at what made it great in the first place. (and sack Davis)

 So what did I watch, well apart from Youtube I found Dads army film 1971 I think, and I also watched the only good thing on TV over the whole of Christmas and boxing days.  Wallace and Gromit!

 Yes Wallace and bloody Gromit!  They out acted, out plotted, and were funnier than the rest of the Christmas telly put together.   Seriously, the only thing worth watching over Christmas were plasticine, what does that say about the state of the TV these days!

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