Sunday, December 18, 2022

How hard can it be?

 I really do wonder how hard can it be to design something properly?

 I've got a new hair clippers thingy, the one I've had for years died.  This one works just fine... well except for the cable to charge it.  You see to plug it into the mains theres a small plug, that will only fit one way around.  Fair enough no built in polarity protection.  But the problem is the plug has to go in at a special angle as well, not just a simple plug it in.  Oh no! It's a challenge from a bloody tv game show to get the plug at exactly the right angle.  Why FFS?

 My cars a bit the same, the first few times I put fuel in it checked half back out, again theres a "special" secret angle.  Again why?  No other vehicle I've owned had this issue... Mind it is a Ford, and they are always weird.

 Then theres energy saving lightbulbs, yes they do use less electric which is a good thing.  Sadly they use a TON more electric to make, cost 20 times the price of a simple old fashioned bulb, and have the lifespan of a mayfly... a very poorly mayfly, one with a cough and chest pains.  So you buy a new "energy saving" bulb every 2 weeks, very energy saving then.

 I've mentioned shampoo bottles before, lets design something intended to stand on the side of an uneven bath and make it top heavy. Sheer genius!  Lets be honest, only a person with the intellect and wit of a tuna in a cat sanctuary could come up with an idea as clever as that.  On the plus side they'll never figure out ho to breed.

 Same with mouth wash, so dangerous it needs a child proof top, unlike whisky or brasso.  obviously much safer to put in your mouth then... mind brasso tastes like shit, and getting a cold one is impossible in the shops...

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