Tuesday, December 27, 2022

A very strange Christmas.



 A very strange Christmas!.   No not the title of a Dickens novel.  Although best remembered for a Christmas Carol, he wrote a lot of books between about 1834 and 1870 when he died.

 No my strange Christmas was because it was very different from the normal Christmas that I've spent for decades.  The norm has been a big family get together at my mothers house, this involves days of food shopping, hours of turkey cooking, and Christmas dinner about 3.30 in the afternoon, usually cold by the time the plating up and arsing about has finished.

 This year was different.  I had the turkey cooked the night before, I had dinner in my own house, piping hot, and dishes washed before 2.00.   And I could have a drink, normally I cant drink at Cristmas before the evening when I get home, this year I sat with a VERY large Mcallans and watched the utter shite that passed fro Christmas day telly.  Seriously who picked this load of tat to watch?  Theres better telly normally FFS.

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