Saturday, June 5, 2021

Sometimes people really annoy me!


 Last night I was walking home along the beach and I saw someone walking the other way, I changed course to give them a wide bearth (I just wanted peace and quiet) and I saw them change course again to intercept me.

 Now I'm not an anti social person, on the contary I'm usually open and friendly, but I do like my own space.  Anyway this person changed course a few times as I altered my course to avoid them, now that really annoys me.  Why would you deliberatly try to get close to someone who obviously trying to avoid you?

 In the end I turned almost right around and walked clearly away from this idiot, even then they tried hard to close the gap but only got within about 20 yards, I was considering running at them screaming fuck off! but didn't on this occasion. They didn't say hello maybe I wasn't close enough without shouting or maybe the look on my face made them think twice.

 Further up the beach much the same thing happened again, this time the moron took the hint when I turned right away from him and he changed back to his original course.

 I really dont understand these people, why do this, now of all times with covid still around would you try and get close to someone who is trying obviously and clearly to keep away from you?  It's also a bad idea for other reasons.  Who knows what their intentions are?

 I've got previous with finding the bloody nutter on the beach, and frankly I don't need them, and dont have time for them.  I've got friends, and if I want more I wont be looking for them from random brain dead twats on the beach.

 So a word of caution.  If you see a grey haired bearded bloke with black trousers walking on the beach change course to avoid you.  LEAVE IT GO AND WALK AWAY!    I'm not normally aggressive.... but I have been known to throw people over their own cars just from blowing the horn.  Yes I was younger then, but now I'm more grumpy and bigger so be warned.  I might not have a car to throw them over but theres plenty of sea to throw them in!

 Rant over.

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