Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Seriously bored by lockdown and more crap tv programs!


 Ok first off lockdown is getting to me now, I'm missing getting out and about, I'm missing taking pics except for the odd shot here and there, and I'm missing spending time with family.

 Now I know some of these might seem trivial to some of you, but as you get older every day could be your last, at my age I need to make the best of the time I have left, thats not stuck in the house bored shitless most of the time.  It really is getting me down now.

 More crap tv.  Today I watched an episode of a program with experts out in the wilds looking for a dangerous animal.... except the experts torch died (this being in the middle of nowhere at night) and guess what? the guy had no spare battery or torch, neither did the cameraman.  They had to use the cameras video light to find their way down off a mountain FFS!

 I'm amazed that two people would go out at night up a mountain with one light source.  They obviously haven't heard the US Marines expression "one is none, two is one" you never rely on a single light in any dodgy situation, hell I have two lights on my evening local walk, and spare battery.

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