Wednesday, February 24, 2021

My coat of many feathers...


  For those of you who don't know my coat of many feathers is a down jacket I've had for years.  It's given good service but is now showing it's age.

  Truth be told it started "shedding" feathers ages ago, and my friends used to have to hoover around after a visit from me.  Now it's lost so much of it's filling it's not great insulation any more (and it's getting "tatty"). But it may still come out again for places where I might get dirty.

 It's been replaced by a high tech low cost works jacket. Frankly it's at least as warm as the down jacket at it's best and waterproof as well, and it was cheap....  And the good news for my mates is they wont need to get the hoover out after I visit, this thing hasn't got feathers.  Ok it probably wont last as long as the very expensive american made down jacket, but as long as I'm warm on a cold day I don't care.

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