Wednesday, November 4, 2020


Time is a courious thing. We each only have so much of it to enjoy. Time can seem slow or fast depending on what your doing. Something seems years ago, but turns out to be just a few months. Other things seem recent but are decades ago. What got me thinking this was watching an episode of the TV series the Sweeny, yes it's showing it's age a bit. But it's 45 years old. It didn't seem that long ago I watched it when it was first on tv. Is time travel possible? Well yes scientist say it is... at least one way going forward, going back presents a bigger problem. Going forward means simply traveling fast enough in space for time dialation to work, what seems a few years for the astronauts could be decades or centuries on earth. Going backwards is a whole new set of problems, probably the reason we're not knee deep in time traveling tourists now.

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