Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Poltergeist update AUG/SEPT

 Well I'm still missing one or two things, nothing important really but a full search of the house has failed to find the missing items, they simply are not there. Wether they will turn up in the fullness of time is anybodys guess.
 Now the good news.... I'm not the only person to have seen things moving on their own in my house. My son saw things moving himself the other day, so it's not just me crazy... well ok not that crazy anyway.  He is as down to earth and level headed as you can get, and certainly not given to seeing things. If he says he saw something move he did.  As did I a while back!
 I'm saying poltergeist but  whats happening isn't totally classic poltergeist activity, so what is happening I have no idea, I think it's closer to poltergeist than anything else....

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