Sunday, May 31, 2020

Paranormal photography

 Theres something odd about paranormal photography. The thing that jumps out at most people is the quality.
 Bigfoot, UFO's, ghosts, big cats (seen one myself) angels, and goodness knows what else, all have one common feature.  They HATE to be filmed or photographed properly.
 Cameras have come a long way in recent years, some like the Canon 5dsr have 50mp and resolution so good even Canons best L series lens struggle to match the sensor. 
 Yet bigfoot always manages to be filmed on a camera that came with your cornflakes free in the box with the same resolution as a potato.... bloody crap!
 It's the same with all the weird stuff, the still or video is either so bad it could be anything, or so ambiguous it could be any bloody thing.
 Take big cat videos.  Now I have actually seen a big cat in the wild (being serious here) they do exist, I watched one for about a minute or so, no more than 10 feet away (it was following me and a mate who also saw it) If I'd had a camera I couldn't have failed to get a cracking shot.
 Yet most of the videos you see have a cat in a field half a mile away with nothing to scale it.
 One recent one published in a well known joking newspaper had the cat on a shed roof. That was laughed at as the shed gave you scale (doors windows etc)  So the cat claimed to be 6 foot long meant the shed door would have been about 9 foot wide or whatever it was. And we all know small garden sheds have doors about 3 footish wide. That one was a normal moggie.  The one I saw was a real big cat.
 So the obvious question is why with high res cameras and 8k video why the hell are all ghost, bigfoot and ufo pics and vids so terrible.  Sadly the answer is because a huge number are making fake videos to get youtube hits.
 Take the recent UFO videos released by the US government. They look very impressive to most people.... until you study them properly and the data they contain in the head up display. One was about 3 foot across and not moving anything like as fast as it looked, the speed was a factor of the aircraft moving in relation to the object which was identified as a bird (probably a duck) This is exactly why when released the US made a point of saying they were not saying the objects were other worldly just unidentified.
 So next time you see bigfoot, the ghost of King Charles  (not the bloody spaniel), or aliens landing in your garden to "probe you"... use a good camera and a proper lens, we're fed up with crap pictures of the bastards.

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