Thursday, July 10, 2014

So much for British people being obese!

According to the BBC (BBC = we say what the government tell us to say) British people are getting fatter and we're all more or less obese. 
Strangely though all the men must be half naked.  You see I tried to by a pair of trousers today, despite trying every shop in the area, including the charity shops the largest size waist I could find anywhere was a 38 inch, not exactly fat bastard size is it.  I mean come on, we're all the same size as the Hindenburg according to the beeb, yet 38 waist isn't that big, not for an aging population of 'fatties'. 
So somewhere somthing odd is going on, either the beeb is lying or three quarters of men over 35 are walking around without trousers.... yet couriously even in 'not right' town all the men are covered up..... So that means the beeb..........      Well hardly news is it.  (pun intended)

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