I mentioned yesterday that I'd tell you why I ended up in the ladies loo at the Mariot hotel on Saturday... and I will... later.
These are a few pics from the wedding, just a few of my favorites, both the B+G were lovely people and Louise (the bride) was a really good sport, even up for the beach on what was a very windy wet day, here she is flashing her "spurs" garter in this grab shot.
Back to the loo story (I know you have been waiting) well it goes like this... Flower girl falls over while playing, but unluckily for her the wire hoop in her dress broke and speared her leg, badly tearing her inner thigh, lot of blood, I offered my services as a medic, and was asked to go into the loo to patch her up, I spend a good few minutes sorting her out. She needed plaster stitches and a large dressing to stop the blood.
I come out of the cubical to find two attractive women fixing their make up in the mirrors, they look at me and do the double take, I say "what are you doing in the gents?" they look horrified for a few seconds then it dawns on them that they are in the ladies not the gents, "what are you doing in the ladies/" is the reply, I hold up large medical bag, "first aider!" all is well, "have you got anything for getting lipstick off?" I'm asked, "I haven't got any on" says I, "I can fix that" is the reply... and she did!
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