It's my youngest sons birthday on Friday, he'll be the ripe old age of thirteen.
I asked him what he wanted a few days ago, expecting a play station/x box game, or maybe a new bigger bike (his is miles to small now) things like that. But oh no! he had other ideas. No he wants a machine gun!, not any old one mind, one with a sniper scope, under slung grenade launcher, and laser target marker.
Now if I lived in the Gaza strip, or maybe the Helmand Province of Afghanistan, it would be a realistic choice of present, trouble is we live in Baglan, Port Talbot, a fairly sleepy friendly village sort of place. Or at least it is at the moment, but it won't be for long if my son gets the present he wants.
Fortunately for us all British gun laws are among the tightest in the world (although you might be forgiven for thinking otherwise if you live in South London) So he won't be getting a machine gun, well not unless it's made of plastic and comes from a toy shop!
On to todays Image, it's nothing very exciting a waterfall near Brecon Wales. Wayne
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