Thursday, July 20, 2023

Auto ISO ?


 Is auto ISO a good idea?

 For many years I would have said no!  The fact is coming from a film background where the iso was "fixed" and you shot the whole roll at whatever speed it was designed for.  Then early digital cameras that were bloody awful at high iso I got used to using manual ISO and the lowest I was happy using for the situation at the time.

 Now today, I'm rethinking that idea.  With modern cameras so much better at the higher ISO maybe it makes sense to use auto ISO.  I've been trying it on my own pictures the last few weeks.  And frankly it works.

 While before I'd have been worried the camera might choose 1600 ISO, now  I'm not too worried if it sets 3200 ISO, as the image quality is still good, unlike my early cameras.

 Auto ISO comes into it's own if you want to use a set shutter speed and aperture, for augument sake F11 at 1/500 sec.  With auto ISO the camera now sets whatever ISO the camera needs for that combination to keep the "correct" exposure.

 Am I going to keep using auto?  Maybe but I suspect I'll find leaving manual ISO for a lot of the time as I like to control the camera.  But auto does have a place.

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