Thursday, June 1, 2023

Camera bag sort out time??


 Truth is I need a bigger camera bag.  Sadly that means more weight, and I'm getting older!  Bugger.

 I was out shooting pics on the weekend, and I was struggling to carry the gear I wanted to take, just getting it in the bag was a non-starter, three cameras (two in use one spare) I think seven len's?  three flash guns (again two in use one spare) about half a dozen spare camera batteries, and six packs of flash batteries, plus diffusers, radio triggers and the loads of other pits and bobs in my bag.

In fact one camera, one lens and it's flash ended up in a second bag.

 Could I get away with less?  Well yes I probably could, but I like to have back-up, and to be fair, half the time I never know what I'm going to end up shooting.  This week I needed my really wide len, almost never use it, but I would have been stuck without it .  And thats the problem!

 It's better to have and not need, than need and not have!  Hence the spares, and doubles.

 But being serious I'm going to have to work out a better plan, the bag is silly heavy, and I'm out of space.  Not even room for a wafer thin mint, as they said in Monty Python.

 There is a new bag thats caught my, but it's like £500, FOR A BAG! They are having a laugh.  I did manage to blag a spare bag this week, it's not big enough for a lot of kit, and theres no padded inserts (why I got it free) but I've bunged in some kip mat foam and it's useable-ish, at least for storing kit.

 I need to sit quietly and work out the minimum geat I NEED.  Do I really need a 16-35mm 2.8 and a 17-35mm 1.8?   and a 17-50mm 2.8 and a 17-70mm 2.8 No I suspect!.....  But I like them....    Oh bugger!

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