Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Stressfull week


 This weeks been a bit stressfull... when isn't it in waynesworldblog?  Still this is a tad more than usual.  What with family, the local prowler and all the other crap that passes for my life this weeks been a bitch.

 Talking of peter prowler I've been thinking of leaving him a supprise present, what I had in mind has a pin you pull out and a 4 second fuse but sadly thats a bit of a grey area legally (no it's totally illegal) so I cant do that, I can however leave a few other supprises for him in the form of non lethal errr.... devices that will remind him my house is my castle.

 While we here in the UK dont have a stand your ground law like the US, we can use reasonable force to protect ourselves and our property..... However my idea of reasonable my not be the same as yours... as anyone who knows me will tell you normal isn't really my thing.

 Frankly I really need a proper holiday, no seriously I'm not joking, I need to get away and turn off the phone, sadly I can't do that for reasons I wont bore you with here.  But sooner or later I will have to, or go crazy, well even crazier if I'm honest!


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