Sunday, February 27, 2022

Bit of a trip down memory lane today. constelation big band


  My father was a musician, he played drums (as did I for a while, although nowhere near as good) during the 1970's he played with the big band Constellation based in Swansea.  I found out yesterday they are still going, 49 years after they started.  We took my mother down to the National Botanical Gardens of Wales where they were playing.

 Trip down memory lane, watching a big "glen miller" type band my dad played in.  Even better two of the original band were still going and we were lucky to have a nice chat with them.

 It was weird, the music and seeing them took my mother and I back to the 1970s for a few hours, there were a few tears and a lot of laughs.  I'm so glad I stumbled across an advert for them playing there yesterday.

 A few pics. All shot on the old camera, mosting at high iso.

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