Thursday, November 11, 2021

How to spot a low budget movie.


 There are several ways to spot the low budget movie.  heres a few suggestions.

1.  Terrible acting, this isn't always the case but 9 times out of 10 it is.


2.  Look at the cast list, if the lead actor, director, write, producer... ect all have the same name it's a dead give away it's going to be shit. 

3.  Look for lots of close ups, this is to avoid showing the background and because they think it's arty-farty.

4.  If it's all shot in 1 or 2 places it's to save money on locations, so another warning sign.

5.  Grim sound, good microphones cost a lot, cheap ones used in next doors dining room sound crap... that or it's filmed by the BBC who seem to suffer from rubbish sound the last few years, not helped by mumbling actors.

6.  Lighting.  If it looks like it was filmed by the black bag over the lens in an unlit coal house genre of cinematography, then thats another red flag.  Good lighting is cheaper now than ever before, yet film makers are still reluctant to spend money on lighting.  The other reason is they think you not being about to see bugger all both hides the crap acting and adds tension.  It's called "gloomvision" and it normally means the films rubbish.

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