Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Computer AI (artificial intelligence)

 I keep hearing about computer AI... artificial intelligence.  How it's going to take over the world and destroy mankind when the computers realise they dont need us.
 Yeah right, lets face it computers are so dumb any intelligence would make them worse not better.
Try burning a dvd, how many clicks of the mouse does that take, it's more than you might think.
 Delete a file? yes confirm you actually want to delete it, then confirm windooz can delete the file it's added to your file, then you have to go to the recycle box and delete again to finally get of of something (even then it's technially still on your computer).
Plug in a zipdrive, the computer asks if you want to open it, why? why would I plug the fucker in if I didn't want to access the stuff on it?
 AI bring it on. Exterminate the human race!.. click yes to confirm, then click yes again, type in a password (twice) then click ok.  Oh yes the computers will take over... when they figure out how to use a mouse and keyboard..

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