Thursday, January 9, 2020

Bleeping madness... Noise

 I've talked before about how annoying things bleeping are these days. If anything it's getting worse not better.
 My car bleeps to tell me... well just about everything, from reverse gear to low screen wash. God help if you dont fasten your seat belt or actually put a bag of shopping on a seat, it goes into meltdown, if you really want to stress it drive with a beg of shopping on the seat and a door open, it has to decide which bleep is more important.
 Computers bleep again for just about everything, plug-in a pendrive/zipdrive and it chime to tell me, why? do thing connect to usb without you knowing? I've yet to find a usb attachment that plugs itself in. 
 Lately a new insidious BLEEP is happening, vehicles reversing. Yes it's not a new thing I know, but now just about every bloody van has it, add in the fact I live on a one way street and twats like to reverse down it to save going around the block and it's a fucking pain in the arse.
 Another new safety idea is to fit ride on lawn mowers with a constant bleep to let you know it there and working.   Frankly if you can't hear a socking big petrol lawn mower working  I have no idea how you'll hear the bleep, it's hard to hear over the racket the mower makes, so totally pointless.
 Another thing I'm seeing is more and more people using their mobile phones on speaker, obviously they think their conversations are so important we all need to hear it.  No it just makes you look a twat

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