Thursday, August 2, 2018

I did consdier becoming an architect...

 I have given some though to becoming an architect. Sadly I failed the interview, it seems my IQ wasn't low enough.
 You need the IQ of a village idiot to train as an architect. I'll explain why.
 Every house I have lived in was designed by one, yet every house is so poorly designed a cat could do better.
 I mean seriously, toilets so small there isn't room to actually close the door if your inside without having to amputate your legs.
 Light fitting miles away from the ceiling centre, usually on the wrong side of the room to light it properly.
 Kitchens so badly planned you cant have a fridge, cooker and a worktop, or fitting you cant reach.
Attic trapdoor, why always right at the top of the stairs, you slip you fall two floors instead of one, they could be put anywhere really.
 I could go on for hours (yes he could, easily, honest! ) but I'll just get boring so I'll stop here,,,,,,,

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