Friday, June 21, 2013

Why doesn't anything work properly???

I've got sticky tape that won't stick to anything,   I've got a mobile phone that hides the bloody keypad! Handy if you need to phone the emergency services in a hurry.  
My strimmer (or string breaker as I like to call the bastard) is totally unfit for purpose.  My front garden isn't very big but it's taken me an hour to strim it because 15 seconds strimming equates to two minutes of repairing the stupid pathetic excuse for string they use, and I've bought the heavy duty one, God help if you've got the 'normal' string, it must be like cotton.
I have a car jack that won't lift the weight of my car (so I had to buy a proper trolley jack, miles better and quicker) and I have a spare wheel thats a different size to the rest of the wheels on the car (space saver they call them) I wouldn't mind but A my car is freaking huge! so plenty of space for a proper bloody wheel, and B they are technically illegal in the UK, the law here states that wheels and tyres must be the same on any axle, not different sizes.

 Gets off soapbox and goes for a stiff drink.

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