I'm not much of a drinker if I'm honest, I dont really go drinking, and hardly ever have a drink at home. Yesterday I went out with my brother for a few pints and a walk. Very nice it was too.
Pint one and pint two and three.
Waynes photo blog.
I'm not much of a drinker if I'm honest, I dont really go drinking, and hardly ever have a drink at home. Yesterday I went out with my brother for a few pints and a walk. Very nice it was too.
Pint one and pint two and three.
Yes I know I might have over done the pinecone, but I liked the idea of a series of images with one subject. There was going to be a night shot with trafic light lines also with a pinecone, that failed when the pinecone blew over in the wind during the 30 second exposure. I gave up then afraid the camera might get blown off it's tiny tripod. Lumix TZ80 compact camera.
It's two years today since Mum passed away. It's hard to believe just how quickly time has gone. I'm still finding it hard some days to deal with the loss, she was a big part of my life.
You are missed Mum.
Took this a few days ago, did a colour and black and white version. Personally I prefer the colout. I like B+W, but I dont think it worked that well here.
It's a hard life being a Pug . I have to train my owner to put a treat in my food. I have a lot of barking to do, at the telly and the seagulls that fly over MY garden! The cheek of them!.
Then it's give my dad a good licking when he comes home, his ears are so dusty, and he was gone for SO long buying milk.
Then it's the jumping up onto the sofa, to check in case a plate has been left laying about, or better still a chocolate wrapper.... Mmmmm chocolate....
So it's hardly supprising at the end of a long day and a walk in the sand dunes I'm a bit tired out... Oh it's hard being a Pug.
Just time for a snooze before my Dads tv program starts and I have to bark at the dog in it....
The first spring flowers in my street the daffs are out and I got the leaves on a walk the other day.
Both on the TZ80 compact camera.
A few days ago I went out for a walk and decided to shoots shadows and lines, these are the resulting images. Shot on the TZ80 compact.
Got these the other day, the car is a Buick Riviera, I'm told a 76, but I'm not 100% sure, the lighting was awful on the car and these were all I got (I was also short of time).
I must admit I thought it was a later model of the car used in the Green Hornet, but on checking I'm lead to believe that was a 66 Chrysler LeBaron. So my bad there.