Saturday, March 22, 2025

Lumix TZ80 zoom lens.

 My Lumix TZ80 compact camera has a crazy zoom. I've posted pictures here before (aug 16 2023) its a 24mm to 720mm equivalent.

 Well t it also has a digital zoom, two in fact, one is a normal not too great digital zoom, the other is th izoom... and thats not bad.

 Heres a test hand held 24mm to 1440mm.     Good enough I would say.

Friday, March 21, 2025

A few pints


 I'm not much of a drinker if I'm honest, I dont really go drinking, and hardly ever have a drink at home. Yesterday I went out with my brother for a few pints and a walk.  Very nice it was too.

 Pint one and pint two and three.



Thursday, March 20, 2025

AI pug pictures


 I was playing with an AI generator the other day and come up with these.



Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Pinecones and things


 Yes I know I might have over done the pinecone, but I liked the idea of a series of images with one subject.  There was going to be a night shot with trafic light lines also with a pinecone, that failed when the pinecone blew over in the wind during the 30 second exposure.  I gave up then afraid the camera might get blown off it's tiny tripod.   Lumix TZ80 compact camera.



Sunday, March 16, 2025

Tonights sunset


 Went over for the sunset tonight. TZ80 camera.




 It's two years today since Mum passed away.  It's hard to believe just how quickly time has gone.  I'm still finding it hard some days to deal with the loss, she was a big part of my life.

 You are missed Mum.

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Mesh, Mia and railings.


 A few from yesterday.  TZ80 camera.